Training Evaluation Model Development Effective Communication & Collaboration for Upgrade Learning Performance UPTD SPNF Kabupaten Takalar
UPTD SPNF Kabupaten Takalar as a non-formal education service institution that organizes education and training to provide excellent service in its role and function so as to make a maximum contribution to achieving the vision and mission. One of the efforts that has been made is to increase the competence of human resources through a soft competency development program that is closely related to the values of the institution. One way is to organize Effective Communication & Collaboration Training which is attended by tutors, staff and non-formal educators within the UPTD SPNF Takalar Regency. This study aims to: (1) explain the impact of effective communication and collaboration training that has been carried out on performance improvement, (2) find out how much changes in employee behavior to provide optimal performance, (3) understand a comprehensive and effective training valuation model to monitor the improvements made sustainable in employee performance. The research procedures are: 1) preliminary study, 2) conceptual model formulation, 3) model validation and revision, 4) limited trial (small scale), 5) model revision, 6) model (field) trial, 7) refinement model/validation, 8) determination of the final product of the training model.
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